School Captains 2024
A big congratulations to Frankie and Jordin! We all can agree, they both did an impeccable job leading their first assembly. We look forward to seeing Frankie and Jordin lead our school in 2024, well done!
Community Night
It was great to catch up with staff and community about Friday night’s Crazy Bingo. It sounded as if it were a great, fun-filled night with some very random prizes awarded. Thanks to all the families who came along, we hope everyone left the night with a smile on their face.
Start Up Interviews
We are having our start up interviews on Wednesday, February 14th. Interviews can be booked via the uEducateus platform. We are running interviews from 12PM-6PM on the Wednesday so please ensure that you book a spot to have a chat with your child’s classroom teacher.
School Council Positions
This year, there are six positions to be nominated on our wonderful School Council. There are four parent positions as well as two community positions. We would encourage family members who are interested to self-nominate when the forms are posted. Each member brings their own valuable life skills and knowledge to the role. However, councillors may need to develop skills and acquire knowledge in areas that are unfamiliar to them. It is important to have an interest in your child’s school and the desire to work in partnership with others to help shape the school’s future. Below is the approved timeline for School Council positions:
If you are at all interested, please contact Andrew. Nomination forms can be found at the front office with Nikki.
3-6 Urban Camp
The camp will be from Wednesday, June 5th to Friday, June 7th. A uEducateUs permission note has been created, if your child is intending on going, please give permission as soon as possible. We are requesting $100 initial payment be made between today and Friday the 16th of February 2024 via the MySchoolConnect app. We are working through the itinerary with the students, seeking their input into activities at the moment and we hope to have this finalised shortly. However, we can pass on that we will be taking the train down on Wednesday, June 5th, departing at 7:49AM. We will be getting back to Bendigo Station on Friday the 7th at 3:57PM.
Hats and Drink Bottles
It was great to see almost all students arriving to school with a broad brimmed, Eppalock Primary School hat to wear outdoors. Please ensure that your child’s hat is clearly named in case it does get misplaced. The warm weather is well and truly sticking around so please make sure that your child/ren come to school with a clearly named drink bottle that is filled with water.
Out of School Hours Care- OSHC Adventures
We are very fortunate to have received a grant to run OHSC program out of the old school building. Our wonderful OSHC teacher, Nadine, does a brilliant job with our after-school care program. We are encouraging all families to jump online and sign up, regardless of if you are planning on using it, just in case your child needs after school care. While the process does not take too long, it would ensure that if anything does pop up, your child can be place in after school care.
Please note that classroom teachers have duty of care until 3:30PM on school days and can not provide supervision for students after this time.
Sue is back and excited for 2024 and will be at EPS this Wednesday
Welcome back to another year full of wonderful books!
There will be lots of exciting things happening this year, the first is that we have a NEW van! It should look just like the last one, and as I am typing this Chris Kennett’s amazing art is being organised to be put on. Can’t wait to get it all on the road!
I would like each student to return the INmag consent form that will be sent home in coming weeks. This fabulous magazine has been created by 2 local teachers and is packed full of content created by kids. By giving permission to submit work I will be able to upload activities we do throughout the year, which then might be included in future publications. Below is the link to the magazine’s website if you would like to look into it further.
What better way to start the year than celebrating our libraries! We will be talking about why we love our MARC (and school) libraries in class. Share a book on February 14th with someone you love.
Mrs G ?