EPS Newsletter

Term 2 Week 1 2024


Start of Term

Welcome back to Term Two at EPS. We hope that all families had a wonderful break and shared some restful and relaxing time with one another. Whether watching the footy, getting away camping or simply unwinding with loved ones, we trust that everyone had some respite and are ready for what is shaping up to be a very busy and fun Term Two.



Hats are still required until the 1st of May, in Week Three.


ANZAC Day Ceremony at Shrine of Remembrance

This Friday, our school captains and Mr King are headed to Melbourne to the ANZAC Day Ceremony. We look forward to hearing back from the school captains about this wonderful leadership experience next week.


ANZAC Day, Thursday April 25th

Thursday the 25th is ANZAC Day so there is no school on the day.


3-6 Cross Country- Wednesday, May 1st

On Wednesday the 1st of May, our grades three to six students are off to the Bendigo Racecourse in Epsom. Just a reminder that student will need to be transported to and from the venue by parents but will be supervised at the venue by staff Mr. King, Nina Mazzarella, Chris, Ben and Nikki. Parents are welcome and encouraged to come along and cheer on the participants. All children should wear suitable running attire and should bring adequate warm clothing for when they have finished – shorts, polo and runners for the run and a tracksuit to put on before and afterwards. A shower-proof jacket is also recommended. Please ensure the children bring plenty of water to drink and enough food for the day so they are not hungry. It is a long day and children usually get very hungry. It is also recommended that students take a book to read. Please see UeducateUs for the permission note and My School Connect for the $4 payment. 


Athletics Day with Axedale and Heathcote Primary Schools-
Friday, May 3rd

On Friday the 3rd, we are headed to the Flora Hill Athletics track for our annual Athletics day. On the day, students will travel to the event via a bus (departing from EPS at 9AM) however we ask that families arrange for their child to be picked up from Flora Hill on the day. The day should finish around 2:30PM.


If families are able to volunteer to take a group for the whole day, please contact Nina Mazzarella as she is coordinating the event at nina.mazzarella@education.vic.gov.au. If you are able to, the role would require walking with a group of students for the entirety of the day.



GRIP Leadership- School and House Captains

On Tuesday, April 30th, EPS School and House Captains are participating in a leadership development opportunity at Red Energy Stadium. This leadership conference will be an amazing opportunity for our young leaders to further develop their leadership skills while networking with other school leaders.


3-6 Urban Camp

The cost of the camp is being subsidised by the school in order to keep overall costs down and the cost per student is $250. We are requesting that the second payment of $100 be made by Friday, April 19th by MySchoolConnect.  If would like to discuss a payment plan, please contact the school to arrange this.




Thursday 18th - School Photo's

Wednesday 24th - MARC Van 

Thursday 25th - Anzac Day Public Holiday


Wednesday 1st - Cross Country 3-6

Friday 3rd May - Athletics Day 

Wednesday 8th - MARC Van 

Friday 10th - Working Bee after school 

Sunday 12th - Mother's Day 

Friday 17th - Pupil Free day 

Monday 20th - Foundation Info Night 

Wednesday 22nd - MARC Van 

Thursday 23rd - Prep Open Day 

Friday 24th - Special Lunch Day - Italian 


Wednesday 5th-7th 3-6 Urban Camp

Monday 10th - King's B'day Public Holiday  

Friday 28th - Last Day of Term 2

Easter Sunday BBQ 2024

Our most successful Easter BBQ to date!

We raised a whopping $7,200 for our school. 

Thanks to all the families that helped as well as the Rotarians that jumped in on the day.

A huge thanks to Kevin Reade & Rotary of Bendigo Sandhurst for the opportunity and organising the whole event.

At one point we had 3 generations of Dohertys cooking the BBQ (Sam, Simon and Mark).

As well as the young ones doing their bit.

It was a really fun day for all involved as we worked together as a team for a great cause.

Hope to see you there next year!

Sam and Max cooking the onions.

Scholastic BOOK CLUB

Support our local businesses

Locally owned businesses are owned by your friends and neighbours who live in this community. Local businesses generally
  • make more local purchases
  • are more invested in our community’s future
  • create jobs in your town
  • donate more per sales dollar to local nonprofits, events, and teams

If you would like to have your business displayed here or would like to update your business details, please call or email the school

Base Equipment Wanted

Hey families,

I am sure you know how important The Base is for our children at EPS and recognise how lucky we are to have this space at school.  It is a really important space for our students and provides so much great learning.  Types of learning include:

Cognitive: problem solving, imagination & creativity. 

Social & emotional: independence, communication, self-expression, negotiation, conflict resolution & the development of resilience in a safe and supported way. 

Physical:  balance, coordination, flexibility, accuracy & calculating risk.

Now that summer is over and the threat of snakes has reduced with the cooler weather, we want to give the base a new look and inspire new play ideas through re-invigorating the area with some loose parts play options.  We are looking for donations of things that you might have lying around home or are able to acquire.  There is a list below – but it is not exhaustive – of things we are looking for.  We are also trying to source another large tree log for the space from a development area (but if anyone is able to also supply this, we would love that too!).

I have included some pictures for inspiration – so feel free to get creative with your collection of bits.

Thanks so much for your support with this


Loose parts play list – happy for other suggestions

PVC pipe and fittings

Bigger sticks cut to 2m lengths

Logs – cut into 30cm ‘seats’ or ‘steps’

Logs cut into slivers or plates 5cm thick

Good condition pallets

Broken down pallet parts (no nails or screws) or planks of wood

Milk crates
