EPS Newsletter Week 9 Term 1

Special lunch & Pie Warmer Days

Our special lunch days are run by Brittany ( Mikaylah & Jaiden's mum) 
Please contact Brittany if you are able to help her out on these days.  

Our next special lunch day is being organised for Thursday 7th April.

A hard copy of the Special lunch day order form will be sent out during the week.

Hoodie & Crazy Socks day

Hoodie up for Autism Day &
Crazy Socks for Down Syndrome day. 


Monday 4th April will be Hoodie up for Autism Day and Crazy Socks for Down Syndrome Day at Eppalock P.S. 

Kids can wear either crazy socks or a hoodie or both. 

A gold coin donation will be collected by the Junior school council representatives on the day.  

Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)

Eppalock Primary School now has funding to establish an Out of School Hours Care program. For more information contact the school on 5439 6366 or Our Patch on 1300 018 310. Or click on the link below.
Our patch – Our Patch



Axe Creek Playgroup

Come and meet some friendly faces at Axe Creek Playgroup.
We are a community run playgroup that provides a friendly and relaxed play space for adults to talk and kids to play. We have access to the playground, sandbox, and a number of resources.

Where: Old School Building at Eppalock Primary School.
When: Fridays at 9:30am till 11am during the school term

BYO Snacks and please bring a gold coin donation (for insurance purposes)

For more information please join our Facebook Page Axe Creek Playgroup