Term 2 SWPBS Focus - Respect
Kindness, Responsibility, Resilience.
School Vision:
Our school’s vision is to prepare young people to become active, engaged and responsible citizens of the local and global community.
This term we have a focus on Respect as part of our School Wide Positive Behaviours framework. In each classroom we are regularly highlighting this value this term and speaking to the students about what it means. Students at Eppalock PS do show great respect consistently, however our focus at the moment is to ensure we respect others when they are talking by showing whole body listening and speaking to each other respectfully in all situations.
Last week I mentioned the Regional Cross Country event held at the Bendigo Jockey Club. We had some amazing finishes in the event. While I will not start listing everyone as I would no doubt miss someone, we did have some students finish in the top ten and top twenty of their event. Each colour is a different level with Blue being the top runners in the age group. In some of the Blue and red events there are often over 200 students. Some special mentions; Miller has again qualified for the next stage and will compete again in a few weeks. He was able to finish 18th in the Blue group which is a fantastic achievement. We wish you all the best for the next stage Miller. Connor finished 3rd in Red group for the second year in a row. Leisel, Charlotte and Lexi all finished top 15 in their Green group. As mentioned at assembly, we are extremely proud of all who were able to participate on the day.
It was also very nice to hear from one of our parents that our students showed great encouragement and support of each other on the day by cheering for each other as they finished the race. Well done all.
We have a few more sporting events coming up on the coming weeks. Eppalock PS will be entering a hockey team and a soccer team in the schools tournament. These are good fun days where the aim is to participate, enjoy the day and maybe spark an interest in an activity. Students don’t have to be an expert in the sport as they will be given some coaching and guidance along the way.
I just wanted to give a little shout out to one of our fit parents who I heard recently completed a marathon at the Bendigo O’Keeffe rail trail running event. To complete a marathon, 42kms, is an amazing achievement. Well done H, some great inspiration for us all.
Just a couple of little bits from School Council last night.
School Council last night officially approved the June 10th student free day. This is a teacher professional practice day where staff will be exploring or completing their own individual professional learning tasks. Sometimes this includes visiting other schools, completing an online course module or even writing reports or analysing school assessments. This is a student free day this time around due to the casual teacher shortages across the state at the moment. June 10th is a Friday and will actually follow a whole school excursion planned for the Thursday and will also lead into the Queen’s birthday holiday on the Monday. We know it may not suit everyone and apologise for any inconvenience it may cause.
We also discussed the old bell tree and the ever increasing safety concern it poses. After receiving some advice about the long term safety of the tree, school council will be taking some action to remove the tree and reinstate it in a more usable and reachable position for all. School Council acknowledged the importance of the tree and the bell and want to ensure the significance of both are preserved in some form. We are looking at putting the bell in a steel frame so that it can actually still be used. Once the tree is removed we intend to reshape the trunk so that it can be used somewhere in the school and even attach a plaque.
School Council operates with sub committees in Curriculum and Policy, Grounds and Maintenance and Finance. If anyone would like to have input into the Grounds and Maintenance crew or Curriculum and Policy please let us know.
This month curriculum and policy will be reviewing the Child Safe documents and standards as a focus. Grounds and Maintenance are looking for some willing helpers to assist with painting some of the hand rails around the school. You don’t have to be a great painter, just have the enthusiasm to give it a go. You could even work in your own time schedule once you know what to do.
It was great to see some families up and around the school on Friday afternoon to share in some afternoon tea for a Mothers Day and Special person afternoon organised by Parents Club. As part of this afternoon some of the 456 students prepared some snacks to acknowledge the wonderful work families do at home to support each other. I did supplement the prepared snacks with some supermarket items just in case, however the students did an amazing job in the kitchen and prepared some gluten free biscuits, brownies, caramel slice and then cut up some fruit for all to share. Watch out for some kitchen challenges this term.
A reminder that our Friday assemblies take place most weeks at school, depending on other events. Assemblies will now take place inside the main building and visitors are able to attend. We do still ask that visitors use hand sanitiser as they enter the school and social distance as much as possible while attending assembly.
NAPLAN assessments were completed this week at school by Grade 3 & 5 students. All students tried their best and did a great job. Due to Covid restrictions and remote learning, this was the first time both groups had participated with Grade 5 not having done them in Grade 3. Our school has transitioned to the online format already, while some other schools were completing them online for the first time. Thanks Miss S for setting up the assessments and supervising them so well. We will be running some catch ups this week for students who were absent. Results will not be released until later in the year.
A reminder that staff duty of care operates from 8:45am-9:00am in the mornings and from 3:15pm-3:30pm at the end of the school day. Outside of these times there may be times when there are no staff on-site due to a meeting or alternative commitment. Students arriving before 8:45am will be unsupervised in the yard, other than on scheduled breakfast club days.
We will run breakfast club again next Thursday the 19th May. The old school building will be open from 8:15am-8:45am for students who would like to have some breakfast at school. We are able to offer toast and possibly some baked beans for those who are there early enough.
We have a couple of items at school that are on offer to anyone who can make use of them.
We have some second hand school tables which are free to take. They are currently sitting on the oval balcony if you are interested. They are in fair condition and you can adjust their heights if needed.
We also have a couple of window awnings which we can no longer use at school due to bushfire guidelines. One was fitted to the window on the current Principal office and the other is a movable awning which was attached to the current 456 room. If you are interested come and let me know at school and we can arrange a pick up time.
Watjarang 287 Yuliwil 261 Bunjil 285 | 1st - p/1 2nd - 4/5/6 3rd - 2/3 | P/1 Jayden.B 2/3 Eadie.M 4/5/6 Frankie.J |
The next meeting will be in June
Last week's meeting was maily around the election BBQ on the 21st May.
we are applying to the electerol commision to have the BBQ & Cake stall & will be sending home some paperplate & asking families to bake something for the stall the week of the election.
We'll be doing a sausage sizzle rather than the regular Bacon & Egg sandwhiches, due to not having access to the free eggs this year.
If you have some input, or feedback please message me on face book or email knunnseps@outlook.com