Term 2 SWPBS Focus - Respect
Kindness, Responsibility, Resilience.
School Vision:
Our school’s vision is to prepare young people to become active, engaged and responsible citizens of the local and global community.
What’s been happening at Eppalock PS this week?
We have had a couple of special events this week at school. On Monday Earth Ed visited the school for an incursion. It is fantastic to have these educational groups come into the school so that we don’t always have to travel. Earth Ed did some coding and robotics with all of our classes. Spheros are always a favourite in the senior classes, but I hadn’t seen the devices used in the P-3 activities before, they looked pretty cool. I did overhear the educator in the 456 class say that they were one of the most knowledgeable sphero groups they had taught before. No doubt thanks to the great work Lydia has done in the past with our students using this technology in STEM sessions at school.
On Thursday we had our big excursion to Ballarat to visit Sovereign Hill. Despite the rain and cold weather the students seemed to have a great day. I was super impressed with the group I walked around with on the day from 456. They were very engaged and interested in acquiring knowledge from the many workers at Sovereign Hill and asked many great questions. We learnt about olden day photographs and why you don’t see people smiling in them. We learnt about rope making and the use of coloured materials and flags as olden day street identification. We learnt about the doctor on the gold fields and his many ‘unorthodox’ methods of treating patients. We also got to watch some gold being melted down into a gold bar. These were just some of the learnings from the day for this group. A couple of other highlights were the gold panning activity along the creek and the underground walking tour of the Red Hill mine.
A huge thanks to Mr Mc for organising the day, all staff for attending, our students for being awesome and to Sal for attending with us, transporting some students and sharing your knowledge. Did you know Sal had worked at Sovereign Hill at one stage?
Student Voice and Action
I just wanted to bring to light another great example of student voice and action happening in the 456 classroom. Mr Mc is leading the students through an inquiry project task about the Goldfields. As part of this process, students have been given more ownership and responsibility over their project task and how they will present it as a final product. Some are presenting by making a model, some through writing and some with technology. They have been given the challenge, of, what is the most effective way of showing my learning? We look forward to seeing what they come up with.
How are you all going? Come in for a hot drink and a chat on Wednesday 22nd June.
This time of year, with cold weather around we can all start to get a bit tired and down. How are you all going out there? It was great for me to be able to walk around to cars before the bus got back on Thursday and have a quick chat to a few people, sorry for intruding into your personal space. Please reach out if you need anything, even just for a chat. We do have some professional links on our website if you are struggling at the moment.
This time last year I suggested getting back into nature as a good way to refresh and rebalance ourselves. I have been going into the local bush area for my weekend run again, which certainly helps to refresh my wellbeing. What are your anchors, the things you do when you are feeling good? Our anchors are the things that we sometimes let go when things get busy or we are feeling a bit down. It is important to remember our anchors and get back to them when we can. Mine are spending time with family at home or watching Carlton win, running in the bush and watching my kids play sport.
If anyone would like to drop into the old school building on Wednesday 22nd June from 8:45am you are most welcome. Come in for a chat and a hot drink. It won’t be coffee storm, but hopefully we get a few along and we can catch up and say hi.
Student problem solving steps
I am just leaving this in the newsletter again this week as a reminder.
We refer to a 5 step process which you will see up in classrooms.
If your child does have some concerns at school, encourage them to speak with their classroom teacher when required so that staff can help work out a positive plan to help solve it.
End of term
Term 2 reports will be sent home on Thursday the 23rd June with the last day of term 2 on Friday 24th June. The last day of term will finish at 1:30pm. Students can wear casual clothes on the final day of term.
Household Contacts & Illness
A reminder that if students are household contacts but are testing negative they can come to school, however MUST wear a mask. It is important to inform the school of this as well so that we can monitor mask wearing. Please explain this requirement to your children at home as well.
With lots of flu and illness going around this year, if students are showing symptoms, please keep them at home, even if a RA test is negative, until the symptoms have gone. This is for the health of our whole school community, including staff.