Term 3 SWPBS Focus - Resilience
Kindness, Responsibility, Resilience.
School Vision:
Our school’s vision is to prepare young people to become active, engaged and responsible citizens of the local and global community.
Welcome Back to Term 3 2022
I hope everyone has had a relaxing and refreshing break and are ready to begin Term 3. Students start back on Tuesday the 12th July, with Monday being a pupil free curriculum day. Staff will be at school on Monday working on our School Review documentation in preparation for our upcoming school review in Term 4 of this year. We will be asking families to have input into the successes and obstacles of the past 4 years as well as some other areas of school improvement in the coming weeks, please keep an eye out for those opportunities.
We have a few things happening again this term with more detailed notes and information coming out soon. This Friday the 12th July will see the start of our gym program, which will run for 5 consecutive Fridays. I have trialled an electronic permission slip through educateus, for future use, happy for some feedback so please let me know if that creates any stress at home or if you have ideas about how to make it easier. Paper notes can always be used if it is too difficult for families.
Below I have set out a few of the major upcoming events. There will be very minimal/no cost for the camps organised through the Positive Start program as this is covered through Government funds. A permission note confirming details and your child’s attendance will come home in the next week for those. A note will also come home shortly requesting a deposit ($50 per child) for the bigger November Camp for grade 456 students. This camp will have a more significant cost (approx. $300 per child) which we encourage families to pay off in small instalments over the next 4 months. Please speak with Mr O’Neill if the cost of this camp is of concern for your family as we will work to support you with this. The school is actively seeking support to try and reduce this cost. With this in mind, a confirmed cost for the camp will not be known until towards the end of term 3.
Playground updated
Over the holiday break we have had the slide, flying fox and Burmese bridge repaired and installed. This was made possible by Fosterville Gold Mine who donated some funds last year for this purpose. We would like to thank them for this very kind donation which is much appreciated. In the first days of school, staff will remind students of the safety requirements. If you are up at school with your children please also remind them of how to play on these safely and respectfully.
Working Bee Volunteers and roster
If you have some time to visit the school and help out with some weeding of the garden beds please let us know. Winter can be a busy time for weeds and even with some regular efforts with the students, it seems to be an ongoing task.
If you are a keen painter and would like to help out with painting some of the school handrails, please let us know. We hope to have that task completed by the term 3 holiday break.
Covid Updates
At time of writing the guidelines remain the same as at the end of term 2. Household contacts of people with Covid can attend school as long as they communicate this with the school and wear a mask. People with Covid must still isolate at home for the 7 days. I will communicate any changes to this requirement when I receive any further information.
Update medical plans
Please take the time to update any medical plans/equipment at the school which may be required for your child.
Watjarang 305 Yuliwil 283 Bunjil 307 | 1st - 2nd - 3rd - | P/1 ANGUS M 2/3 OSCAR. P 4/5/6 JACOB.M |