Term 4 SWPBS Focus
Respect, Responsibility, Resilience.
School Vision:
Our school’s vision is to prepare young people to become active, engaged and responsible citizens of the local and global community.
My recent announcement of staff moving has also come as a bit of a shock to our school community, which is totally understandable. Hamish and Milly have done an outstanding job at Eppalock PS through some very challenging times and have supported our students and families exceptionally well. They are both quality people and will be greatly missed in our school community. It is unfortunate for our school community that they have both been successful in seeking a new position at the same time, however that is the nature of school staffing, particularly at this time of the year. It has been pleasing to hear so many of our families congratulating them both on their new positions.
I would like to strongly reassure families that they are not leaving for any reason other than they were both seeking a new challenge or new role. They both love working at Eppalock PS and love the community. The school is in a very positive place at the moment and our recent School Review has confirmed that. While any change can cause uncertainty, families can feel assured that the school is in a good place. There will be a thorough handover and transition process between new and old staff. I know our school community will approach this change with a positive mind set and give as much support and encouragement to the new staff and Principal coming in, as I received when I started as an Acting Principal back in 2017.
We spoke with the students earlier this week about the staffing changes and they were very positive about it and showed great resilience. They were disappointed that such great staff were not going to be at Eppalock PS in 2023, but they wished them all the best which is a fantastic attitude.
The two positions have been advertised and we may be able to announce new teaching staff before the end of the school year if things go to plan. I am also hoping the new Acting Principal position is filled before the end of the year – this process is led by the Department and is not something I can control. Damien Jenkyn from Region will be attending school council this Thursday to outline the Substantive Principal process.
I would also like to acknowledge the fantastic staff that will be at Eppalock PS in 2023. Miss Sherwell & Lydia will still be heavily involved as teaching staff, Ms Hartney will still be involved in our tutoring. Kristy, Chris and Sherie will still be at our school as education support across the school and Nikki will still be in our office area. We have outstanding staff still at the school and I know they will be a great support and guide for any new staff coming in.
School community night is this Friday coming, the 9th December starting at 6:00pm. It will be outside, under the basketball court roof depending on the weather. We will have chairs set up on the night, however if you would like to bring your own chairs you are more than welcome. Students have been asked to wear some simple colours as outfits, let us know if you need help with these. Please do not go out and buy anything new or over the top for the night. The class presentations will comprise of a class song each with some instrumental elements included. Presentations have been organised in such a way that there are no major individual roles due to the high possibility of illness and absences this year. We hope to be able to move through the formal part of the night as quickly as we can so everyone can enjoy mingling with people they may not have seen for a while. We do ask that any student or family showing symptoms do not attend the night.
Costume decisions:
P/1 - green or white Tshirt
2/3 - black and white
4/5/6 - Elvis or a dog (we talked about broad ideas like denim or leather jackets, suit jackets, funky hair etc).
We will start at 6:00pm with the class presentations, followed by the student awards, and then hand over to parents club to finish the night with grade 6 presentations and leaving family presentations. A reminder that all students are the responsibility of families once the formal part of the night is over. Staff are not on duty to manage behaviours or student safety once the community night aspect of the night begins.
2023 Classes & transition sessions
Our first transition session went very well last Tuesday. Our new Preps came into the school very confidently and the only issue was, they didn’t want to go home at the end! That’s a huge thanks and well done to families for preparing the students so well.
We have our second session this Tuesday from 10:00am-11:30am. Students will stay for the recess break. They will need to bring a hat and some recess snack, along with anything else Miss B has suggested.
Our older students will work in different classes for the morning and have a chance to mix with others they may share a class with next year. We have spoken with the students from 2-6 about how the groups will work to reassure them the changes will be in their best interests and that they will still be able to work with friends and peers at different times. Obviously new staff will now provide a different aspect, but the proposed changes will be in place and given the required thought and planning to ensure it is successful. We aim to inform our 2023 Grade 4 families of starting class groups by the 16th December – this will allow a little time to possibly have new staff in place as well.
Covid Updates & illness
It is still important that students are staying home if showing symptoms. Staff are also under the same instructions which is not always convenient, but necessary in our current climate. Please ensure any household contacts are wearing a mask to school and inside the school buildings. We are almost at the end of the year, hopefully 2023 can bring some closure to these requirements.
We will not have a Friday assembly this week, 9th December, due to the community night.
Our last formal Friday assembly will be on Friday 16th December starting at approx. 2:40pm. Please note the change in time. This assembly will then lead into our Grade 6 group completing the now traditional guard of honour walk to ring the bell for one last time. They will do this again on the last day of school, Tuesday 20th, however there may be a number of students away on that day, so Friday 16th will be a whole school celebration of their time at Eppalock PS. We would encourage families of Grade 6 students to attend this afternoon assembly if they are able, or be waiting out near the old bell if they would like to get any photos.
School Wide Positive Behaviours
Our Focus for this week is ‘Making Good Choices’. With everyone getting a bit tired towards the end of a long year, it is important for us all to remain calm and make good choices throughout the day.
Our whole school reward jar has been filled – and the winner is – Disco!! We will be having a whole school disco on Wednesday 14th December from about 2:00pm at this stage. Early planning is around having 3 rooms set up – one with some just dance, one with a student song playlist for free dancing and one with some quite music playing for those who like a bit more of a settled environment. On this day students can wear casual clothes and can even bring along some ‘disco’ clothes in their bags to change into later in the day. We just ask students are mindful of being sunsmart at this time of the year, and wear appropriate footwear for the school environment. We will provide some fresh fruit platters to be enjoyed as the dancing heats up.
This reward is due to the great behaviour of students throughout the year and filling up our SWPBS jars with school value pom poms. Well done to everyone involved – looking forward to some Mr O dance moves.
MARC Van last visit for 2022
Will be on Tuesday 13th December. This has changed from Wednesday 14th. Students should make sure any MARC van books are returned before this day. This is also the Statewide Transition Day so grade 6 students will not be at school on this day.
Watjarang 724 Yuliwil 648 Bunjil 776 | 1st - P/1 2nd - 4/5/6 3rd - 2/3 | P/1 Levi.R 2/3 Brax.M 4/5/6 Hunter.S |
The last MARC VAN for the year will be on Wednesday 13th December. Please make sure to bring your books back on or before this date as Sue will be handing out a little gift for anyone that has no outstanding books.