EPS Newsletter Term 1 Week 7


This week we are focusing on moving responsibly around the school. We are encouraging students to ensure they are walking around corners when out on the yard and moving calmly when playing outside.

School Vision:

Our school’s vision is to prepare young people to become active, engaged and responsible citizens of the local and global community. 

  • We will provide a safe, calm and welcoming learning environment where every child is treated as an individual.


  • We will develop children who have a strong relationship to school and their community. The children will have a sense of self & understand how they learn.


  • We will build and support an open, healthy and welcoming community that is visible in its practical support for the learning and wellbeing of each child. Children will be encouraged to embrace and celebrate difference and they will experience positive interactions with adults.


  • We aim to foster a love of and for our natural environment and nurture a strong sense of stewardship within our students.  Eppalock PS prioritises environmental sustainability.


School Captains Note

Hello, Annika and Daisy are here. We have been deciding what to change the P.A pom pom jars to, and so far, we have come to a movie and pizza day, swimming day and, possibly, a colour run.  The reason for not being sure about the colour run is that it can stain your clothes. We would love you to give us your feedback, so that we can have finalised P.A card jars! Your child will be sent home with a form, asking simply for your ideas - whether you think we should do it or not, and if you would be happy to help us throw powder at your children! Thank you!


School Wide Positive Behaviours Feedback

As part of our ongoing commitment to the Positive Behaviour Framework, we are seeking both student and parent feedback into the matrix. This feedback will help EPS shape the matrix over the coming months as we work towards making it stronger.  This form is designed to gain a greater understanding of the current unwanted behaviours within the school and the behaviours that should be displayed as a replacement behaviour. A confidential Google Form is going to be sent to all families this week to your email addresses. It is very short, only one question and two short responses. We would appreciate it immensely if your family could take five minutes to complete the form as this will shape our future directions with the implementation with the framework.


Soccer on Tuesdays

As previously announced, we are back to our normal schedule, which is very exciting.


Athletics Training

To begin Term Two, students will be having an Athletics Carnival with Heathcote and Axedale Primary School. This will take place on Friday, April 28th in Flora Hill. In preparation over the next 5 weeks, students will begin some athletics activities on Friday afternoons. We are looking forward to having our House Captains facilitate some of the activities and training sessions.


Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent Teacher interview are taking place on March 22nd from 12:30-6:30PM. Parents can book interview times with classroom teachers through the uEducatesUs platform. If you would also like to have a meeting with Andrew King to discuss your child or would like him to attend your meeting with the classroom teacher, please call the school to arrange this.



Lots of Socks Day

On Friday the 17th, we are celebrating Lots of Socks Day. Lots of Socks Day will encourage conversation about World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD), celebrated each year on 21st March. All you need to do is choose some socks that are going to get noticed, they might be mismatched sock or colourful socks, whatever takes your fancy. This is a gold coin donation for all and we look forward to celebrating this day together.


Eppalock PS Footy Tipping

Just a reminder for those who want to join the EPS footy tipping competition.


Competition Code: XP2LRLWN




  • Any changes to regular pick-up routines are best communicated via phone and speaking directly to a staff member so that it can be recorded in the after school pick up folder. We cannot always guarantee an email will be seen in time during the day.
  • Staff duty of care begins at 8:45am in the morning and finishes at 3:30. Please ensure that you have contacted the school if you are unable to make it to school by 3:30.



Friday 17th
- GJSC - Odd Socks Day-gold coin donation
Wednesday 22nd - MARC Van 
                            - Parent teacher Interviews

Thursday 23rd - Special lunch day - Wraps

Thursday 30th - School Council AGM  


Wednesday 5th- MARC Van 

Thursday 7th - Last day of Term 1 - 1.30pm finish.  Casual clothes day  

Friday 8th - Good Friday Public Holiday 

Monday 24th - Pupil free day

Tuesday 25th - Anzac day public holiday

Wednesday 26th - First day Term 2 
                         - School photos

Friday 28th - Athletics Day 

AWARDS - Term 1 Week 7

  Watjarang  99

  Yuliwil       103

  Bunjil         158
             P/1  Evelyn.M

             2/3  Audrey.J

            4/5/6  Charlotte.V



It’s that time of year again! Hot Cross Bun Drive.

Again we are fortunate enough to be working with one of our Eppalock P.S families, Cazz & Robbie McLeod from Dough Si Dough Sourdough Bakery in Strathfieldsaye and Kyneton. The Dough Si Dough Bakery will bake & deliver all the buns fresh for collection at the school Thursday 28th March, just in time for Easter!

We have 5 amazing flavours to choose from including their famous Sourdough Traditional 4pk. Ask family and friends to order as well, by adding their order to your total. 

Orders must be placed & paid for via My School Connect by Monday 18th March. (TODAY) 

Delivery will be Thursday 28th March (last day of school early finish) 12:00pm - 2.00pm - Pick up from Old School Building

All outside orders can use this link and order with a credit card (fees apply).
                          Order Here

Families can order unsing their My School Connect account.
Make sure you have credit on your account or you can use a credit card (fees apply). 

  1. Login to My School Connect (use this link)
  2. Select My Fundraiser as you see here.

  1. Make your selections and add your child’s name.
  2. Go to your shopping trolley and finalise your payment.

Please call the school on 5439 6366 or Alicia Martin on 0439 691 767 if you need assistance.



This week in MARC sessions we talked about how libraries are organised. We created our own mini books and organised them alphabetically on a bookshelf.

For those new to MARC van, we have sessions fortnightly. Students can borrow books from the van to share at home. Please return books each fortnight so students can borrow new books!

Sue 😊

Easter BBQ 2023

Fundraising opportunity for Eppalock PS

We are asking people to assist on Easter Sunday 9th April. In past years as much as $5,000 has been raised for our school, for just 1 day’s work! 

We need to have eight (8) people rostered on at the time. 

We still require 1 more volunteer for the 8am - 12pm shift

OurPatch After School Care

Our Patch Group - Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) provider

This week we spent time outside on the play equipment and at the base.

We painted on canvas.

Cooking activities this week included making sausage rolls and baked potatoes.

On Tuesday, Maggie came for our fourth session of dancing.




Photography fundraiser

Fundraiser Cancelled

It is with regret that I write to inform you that we have made the difficult decision to cancel our School Photo Fundraiser.  


Eppalock Primary School will no longer be running the Chris Epworth Photography sessions 2023.


Unfortunately we just could not get enough bookings on either date proposed to make the event still viable. 


We have spoken with Chris Epworth, the Photographer, and he will arrange for everyone to receive their paid booking fee refunded in full. This should occur over the coming couple of weeks.


I will make contact with everyone in about 3-weeks time to make sure that you have each received your full refund money. If you have any questions though in the meantime,  please don't hesitate to email or contact me on: 0418 390 824and I'll follow up.


On behalf of the School, I want to say a HUGE thank you for supporting this fundraiser. It has been a fantastic event in planning, that branched out well into our local community, so I'm disappointed that we were not able to bring it to fruition. Thank you.


We'll stay in touch though and bring you many more wonderful Eppalock PS fundraising opportunities.

Sal Symes


Working With Children Check

The Working with Children Check is a screening process for assessing or re-assessing people who work with or care for children in Victoria. 

At Eppalock PS we require any volunteers to have a current WWCC.

These checks are free for Volunteers. 

Please remember that you cannot help out with any school activities unless you have a current WWCC

Please follow this link to apply for a WWCC


Axedale Family Fun Day

School Council

School Council (SC) Update


As part of our goal to remain transparent and provide effective communication between SC and the school community, we will aim to write a short report after each SC meeting as well as any important updates that we can’t wait to tell you. If you have any feedback or would like to discuss anything with SC, please email Alicia Martin Alicia.Martin@education.vic.gov.au


Our last SC meeting was held Thursday 9th February. It was exciting to introduce Mr Andrew King as our Acting Principal for Term 1 and welcome Lydia Fehring as the DET representative. We hope they enjoy their time on SC.


News from this meeting


  • Election Timeline for 2023 approved as follows:


Monday 13th February 2023 - Notice of election and call for nominations.

This year, there are four positions to be nominated on our wonderful School Council. So, if you’re interested please complete a nomination form and hand in to school.

Monday 20th February 2023 - Closing date for nominations

Monday 27th February 2023 - The date by which the list of candidates and nominators will be posted.

Wednesday 1st March 2023 - The date by which ballot papers will be prepared and distributed

Wednesday 8th March 2023 - Close of ballot

Thursday 9th March 2023 – Vote Count

Friday 10th March 2023 – Declaration of poll

Thursday 30th March 2023 – AGM & First council meeting to elect office bearers (the Principal will preside)


  • SC are investigating the possible installation of a UV Filtration system.
  • SC have renewed a contract for the photocopier, this includes a new model machine and cheaper rates per page!
  • SC endorsed the plans to upgrade the sensory garden and approved the submission for a department grant to cover the costs.
  • On the radar is road safety around our school. Mr King will continue the work from previous years to improve road safety for our kids. Plans to record vehicle numbers and driver speeds.


Thanks for reading, remember if you would like to get involved, grab a nomination form and submit it to the school, and/or you have any feedback or would like to discuss anything with SC, please email Alicia Martin Alicia.Martin@education.vic.gov.au



Alicia Martin

School Council President

Axe Creek Playgroup

Playgroup will be held on Friday mornings at 9.30-11am in the Old School Building.  

Scholastic BOOK CLUB