2/3/4 Classroom Teacher- Term 4
It is with great pleasure and excitement that we are able inform families of the classroom teacher in the 2/3/4 room when Mrs Gardner heads off on maternity leave. Chris McDermott will be taking on the classroom teaching role for the term. We have been very fortunate to have Chris working in the classroom as an Education Support staff. Chris has been working in the role at EPS for the past two years and prior to this, Chris worked in the UK as a teacher for 5 years. Chris brings experience as a relief teacher but also worked as a classroom teacher in a specialist school setting for four years. This experience, as well as working along Kellie, will enable students to continue engaging with a familiar educator and maintain momentum for the final term of this year.
School Wide Positive Behaviour Feedback
Thanks to all families who provided feedback regarding Positive Behaviour Support via Google Forms. After some work and collation, we have identified areas of concern from students and families. Specifically, areas that were highlighted were the oval, the base and the eating area. After working through feedback, we are in the process of developing specific signage outlining expectations for these areas. This work will be completed early next term so please keep your eyes out for the news signs out around the school. We would like to thank all families for their involvement in shaping our school culture.
5/6 Snow Camp
The students arrived today with a bit of extra skip in their step as they prepared to head off on the 5/6 Snow Camp. We wish all the students and staff a great time and wonderful experience up at Mt. Buller and we are looking forward to hearing of all their adventures and experiences upon their return this Friday. A special acknowledgement to Liam Tonzing and Lydia Fehring for their organisation and time away with the students on this camp.
5/6 Soccer
Well, we are back on for Wednesday the 21st. We are desperately seeking an umpire in order for us to attend so if you are able to come and umpire on the day, please contact the school as soon as possible.
5/6 Netball
On July 19th, we are sending 6 girls to play at the Red Energy Centre (along with 2 or 3 Axedale students) to represent EPS at the Netball. On the day, as with other teams, we need to provide an umpire in order to register a team. Please contact the school if you are available to help out in this manner.
5/6 Football
On Wednesday, July 26th, we are teaming up with Axedale Primary and submitting a boys’ team and a girls’ team for a footy carnival at Kennington Primary School. We are waiting to hear if we need to provide an umpire or scorer on the day.
Student Reports
We are aiming to send home end of semester reports on Wednesday, June 21st.
Nikki Away- Final Week of Term
Nikki will not be in for the final week of this term and is taking a well-deserved break. Please be mindful when calling that we may take some time to answer.
Covid Information and Masks
Firstly, if your child is sick or presenting flu-like symptoms, please keep them home from school. Please ensure that if your child is sick that you update uEducateUs to reflect this. There have been a few enquiries as to what the process is if a child tests positive to Covid.
If your child tests positive to Covid,
Staff and students who wish to wear a face mask should be supported to do so, and schools should continue to make face masks available for staff, students and visitors. The Department of Health recommends that masks should be worn by a person who is a close contact of someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 when leaving home. Additionally, the Department of Health recommends that masks should be worn by a person who has COVID-19 for at least 7 days after a positive test when they need to leave home.