EPS Newsletter

Term 3 Week 3 - 2023

FROM THE PRINCIPAL Term 3 Week 3 2023

100 Days of School

On Tuesday the 25th, Ms S has organised a fantastic day of activities and fun for all Prep to Two students and their families. There is more information about this on uEducateUs so please check the communication for more information.


5/6 Football

On Tuesday the 25th, our 5/6s are playing football at Kennington Primary School. We are teaming up with Axedale PS to create both a boys’ and girls’ team. Mr T is out on the day and will be coaching the 5/6s.



On Wednesday, Chris Kennett (illustrator) is visiting EPS with the MARC Van. The students have been exposed to a variety of his illustrations and are looking forward to this incursion organised by Sue Gentry.
Also, on Wednesday, August 23rd, we will have a parade in the morning followed by a day of book fun! Dig through the dress up box and come as your favourite character.


Bendigo Art Gallery

On Thursday this week, we are off to the Bendigo Art Gallery for a free excursion. Students will be working with an indigenous artist who is working with the gallery and developing their cultural understanding of indigenous art.


After School Care Update

As families are aware, Our Patch are working through the recruitment process for a position for the OSHC coordinator. We recognise the impact that this is having on families and once we have more information regarding the process, this will be communicated.


Covid and Flu Update


Firstly, if your child is sick or presenting flu-like symptoms, please keep them home from school until they are no longer symptomatic. Please ensure that if your child is sick that you update uEducateUs to reflect this.  There have been a few enquiries as to what the process is if a child tests positive to Covid.


If your child tests positive to Covid,


  1. Parents/carers should complete the Student COVID-19 COVID Test Portal if a student tests positive to COVID-19 (via a PCR or rapid antigen test).
  2. Students who report a positive result are recommended to isolate for a minimum of 5 days and not attend school until their symptoms have resolved.


AWARDS - Term 3 Week 3 2023

P/1 - Ethan.N - For taking on feedback and applying it to his work and improving on his writing.


2/3  - Max.M - For trying really hard with his reading both at home and in the classroom. 

4/5/6 - Jordin.B - For displaying responsibility through stepping up to organise pie warmer and did a fantastic job.


Jack.W - For trying his best and persisting in footy.

Watjarang  417
  Yuliwil      418

  Bunjil       465

IMPORTANT DATES Term 3 Week 3 2023


Tuesday 25th - Mixed Footy
100 days of school celebrations

Wednesday 26th - MARC Van - Chris Kennett

Thursday 27th - Bendigo Art Gallery Excursion


Wednesday 9th - MARC Van

Tuesday 15th - Circus @ Red Energy 

Wednesday 16th - Science Expo Excursion

Friday 18th - Pie Drive Orders Due Back

Wednesday 23rd - MARC Van - Book Week 

Thursday 31st - Pie Drive Delivery


Monday 4th - Curriculum day - Student lead Interviews

Friday 8th - Tree Planting 

Friday 15th - Last Day Term 3
1.30pm Finish & Casual clothes day 

Sunday 17th - HDFNL Grand Final Clean up

Marc Van - Chris Kennett

We are very lucky to be having Chris Kennett visit Eppalock PS on

Wednesday July 26th.

Chris is a local illustrator who has worked on LOTS of amazing projects, from Star Wars to School of Monsters. He is also responsible for the fabulous artwork on the MARC Van.

If you own any of Chris’s books make sure you bring them along for him to sign on the day!

Mrs G 😊

Elmore Pie Drive 2023

ELMORE PIE DRIVE 2023 - Fundraiser for EPS 

Orders and payment due: Monday 21st August -TODAY

Pies available for collection at school: Thursday 31st August 3-4pm 


The Elmore Bakery is a local bakery that will bake all pies fresh for our pie drive. This will give you the freedom to simply pop them in the oven or freeze for a future quick and easy meal.

The order form will be sent home with students this week. Please ask friends and family to order as well. You can do multiple orders on the same form. If you fill up one form don't hesitate to ask at school for another form.

Ordering Information Flyer 

Order Form 


Scholastic BOOK CLUB