EPS Newsletter

Term 3 Week 5 2023


Curriculum Day- Student Portfolios

On Monday, September 4th, we are having a curriculum day and inviting students and families in for student led interviews and portfolios. This is a wonderful opportunity to have all families and students meet with their child’s classroom teacher and discuss the learning portfolios that students have been working on this term. Families will be able to book a time to come into school via the uEducateUs platform. Students will be showcasing a few different learning activities from Literacy, Numeracy and Integrated units of work over the term. More information regarding bookings will be communicated via the newsletter.


Parent Opinion Survey

The parent opinion survey will be sent home today to all EPS families and will be sent out via uEducateUs. The survey is optional but we encourage all families to participate. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.


Old Tree Bell

Due to OHS, the old tree bell must be taken down. While this tree holds symbolism for many families at EPS, the need for removal is due to safety concerns with the tree. At this point, we are investigating a new position for the old bell and are open to suggestions from the community. There is no set date at this point however we would like the community to be aware of this. Once a determined date and plan for the bell is developed, the information will be passed onto families. When the tree is removed, it will become a feature in the base for all students to enjoy.


Free Circus- Tuesday 15th

On Tuesday the 15th, all EPS students are travelling to the Red Energy Centre for a free circus. The permission notes will be available on uEducateUs over the coming days. So please ensure that you have given your child/ren permission to travel via bus to the circus at Red Energy Stadium.


Planning for 2024

We are beginning to plan for 2024 and are asking families to provide any changes in student enrolment information to the school as soon as possible.


MARC Van Book Parade

On Wednesday, August 23rd, we will have a parade in the morning followed by a day of book fun! Dig through the dress up box and come as your favourite character. We encourage families to not purchase items for the parade, we would love to see some created pieces from things already within your homes.






Tuesday 8th - Unifom orders due 

Friday 11th - MARC Van

Tuesday 15th - Circus @ Red Energy 

Friday 18th - Science Expo Excursion

Monday 21st - Pie Drive Orders Due Back
              - Trivia Night @ all seasons 6.30pm

Wednesday 23rd - MARC Van - Book Week 

Thursday 31st - Pie Drive Delivery 3-4pm


Monday 4th - Curriculum day - Student lead Interviews

Thursday 7th - School Council Meeting 

Friday 8th - Tree Planting 

Sunday 10th - Disc Golf 11am 

Friday 15th - Last Day Term 3
1.30pm Finish & Casual clothes day 

Sunday 17th - HDFNL Grand Final Clean up

AWARDS - Term 3 Week 5

P/1 - Scott.T - Scott has shown recent progress in all area, but notably in writing.  

2/3  - Izaak.W - For always showing great resilience in the work he completes

4/5/6 - Hunter.S - For demonstrating the school value of resposibility through giving his best effort this week in the classroom and producing some great work. 


Will.S - For getting back up when falling over

Ruby.F - Learing quickly how to defend in netball 

Watjarang  417
  Yuliwil      418

  Bunjil       465

Parent Community Update Term 3

Parent Community Update

Please contact me if you are keen to volunteer/contribute/organise/offer feedback regarding events organised by Parent Community. Alicia 0439 691 767 or aliciamaymartin@gmail.com

Term 3


Our annual Elmore Bakery Pie Drive is in full swing. Forms went out earlier this week, so check the bottom of bags if you did not receive yours, or you can print one off from the PDF link below. Remember all payments are direct transfer to Elmore Bakery, forms are to be dropped off at school or emailed to eppalockpiedrive@gmail.com by Monday 21st August. Delivery will be Thursday 31st August.

Pie Drive Information

Pie Drive Order Form

Family Activity – Disc Golf

Sunday 10th September, 11am. Meet us for a fun game of Disc Golf at Quarry hill Golf Course, all welcome. Price is $10 per person (includes green fees and hire of the disc). Disc golf is played much like traditional golf. Instead of a ball and clubs, however, players use a flying disc, or Frisbee® The sport was formalized in the 1970’s, and shares with “ball golf” the object of completing each hole in the fewest number of strokes (or, in the case of disc golf, fewest number of throws).

Adults Activity – Trivia Night TONIGHT

This time we are trying out All Seasons Trivia Night Monday 21st August at 6.30pm. It’s free to play and you can order drinks and meals at the bistro. We will have an Eppalock table, please let us know if you are keen to come.

Term 4 All details to be confirmed later.


Fundraiser - Mango Drive

Order forms will come out before the school holidays so you can sell to friends and family. Delivery will most likely be early December.


Family Activity – Bare Foot Bowling

This may be a Friday evening to join in with Strathfieldsaye “Bare Foot Bowls” social competition or we may do it on a Sunday. Around $10 per person to play.


Adult Activity – St Anne’s Winery

A casual afternoon at the Cellar Door to enjoy food, wine, music and friends.


Community Night – Concert & Presentation Evening

Science Expo

JETS Junior Cricket

     Looking forward to a fun active summer….then let’s give Cricket a go

Strathfieldsaye Jets Cricket Club welcomes new and existing players to register for the 2023/24 season.  Registrations are now open, please follow the following links:

  • Cricket Blast Programs – Sunday mornings (ages 5 to 7/8), Friday evenings (ages 8 to 10)


  • Junior Competitions for U11 (Friday), U12 (Sunday morning) & U14, U16 (Saturdays):


The Club will be holding an information day regarding registrations + merchandise on the following dates at our Tannery Lane Sporting facility:

  • Monday 14th August 5:30pm to 7pm
  • Monday 28th August 5:30pm to 7pm

We look forward to a fun filled summer of cricketing action for all ages. 

If requiring further information, or any queries in general please feel free to contact us via email strathfieldsayejets@gmail.com or the phone number below.

“Live local, Play local”

Brent Yates | Junior President | 0434 730 711

Strathfieldsaye Jets CC

Elmore Pie Drive 2023

ELMORE PIE DRIVE 2023 - Fundraiser for EPS 

Orders and payment due: Monday 21st August -TODAY

Pies available for collection at school: Thursday 31st August 3-4pm 


The Elmore Bakery is a local bakery that will bake all pies fresh for our pie drive. This will give you the freedom to simply pop them in the oven or freeze for a future quick and easy meal.

The order form will be sent home with students this week. Please ask friends and family to order as well. You can do multiple orders on the same form. If you fill up one form don't hesitate to ask at school for another form.

Ordering Information Flyer 

Order Form 