EPS Newsletter

Term 4 Week 2 2023

FROM THE PRINCIPAL - Term 4, Week 2 2023

Welcome Back

On behalf of all the staff, we would like to welcome back the student and families to the final term of 2024. We hope that everyone had a wonderful break, soaked up some sunshine and enjoyed some quality time with your loved ones. This term is very exciting as students enter the final year of 2024 and we look forward to sharing experiences with the students and wider community.


Swimming at Gurri Wanyarra

From October 23rd to the 27th, we are travelling to Kangaroo Flat to participate in swimming lessons. In Term One, the cost of the program was subsidised through Department of Education funding however as we have used this funding, it will not be covered by the Department of Education. Rather, Eppalock Primary School will help subsidise the cost of the swimming program to keep the overall cost of the program as low as possible. Information regarding the program was sent out via uEducateUs last week. As per usual, all payments must be made through the My School Connect interface.


Mandurang Valley Festival

We would like to acknowledge all the families who were able to support the Parents Club involvement at the Mandurang Valley Festival over the weekend. Whether it was baking a cake or slice, donating goods or physically helping out, it was a great day out in the beautiful weather. Over the next two weekends, we have the Referendum Voting at EPS followed by the Strathfieldsaye Community Market. If you can donate a cake or slice or are available to cook a snag or help out in any capacity, please contact Alicia or the school.


2024 Staffing

At the moment we are going through the recruitment process for classroom teaching positions for 2024. This is a normal part of the recruitment cycle for public schools where teachers, like we have this year, are on 12 month contracts. We recognise that changes in staffing can be challenging and if there are any changes in staffing, the community will be made aware as soon as possible.


After School Care

Our new after school care providers, OSHC Adventures, have opened their doors for after school care. We encourage all families to enrol their children into the program as this process can take a bit of time. Enrolments can be completed online at:



General Reminders

  • Please ensure longer hair is tied back each day when coming to school.
  • Please ensure that medical plans, asthma puffers and any special dietary restrictions that students might have should be documented and communicated with school. 
  • There will be no pie warmer this term.
  • Any changes to regular pick up routines are best communicated via phone and speaking directly to a staff member so that it can be recorded in the after school pick up folder. We cannot always guarantee an email will be seen in time during the day.
  • Hats are required for Term 4. Please ensure your child has the Eppalock PS broad brimmed hat ready to go.




Saturday 14th - Referendum BBQ

Wednesday 18th - MARC

Friday 20th - Strathfieldsaye Fair

Tuesday 24th - Mango Orders Due 

Monday 23rd to Friday 27th - Swimming program 10-11am


Wednesday 1st - Bendigo Cup Public Holiday 

Thursday 2nd - Special Lunch Day 

Wednesday 15th - MARC Van 

Tuesday 28th - Foundation Orientation Day 10-11am 

Wednesday 29th - MARC Van 


Friday 1st - Student Free Day 

Tuesday 5th - Foundation Oreintation Day 10-11.30am

Thursday 7th - Special Lunch Day 

Friday 8th - Community Night

Tuesday 12th - Statewide Transition Day

Wednesday 13th - MARC Van 

Wednesday 23rd - Last Day Term 4 - 1.30pm finish & casual clothes day 

AWARDS - Term 4 Week 2 2023

P/1 - Angus M- for showing kindness and demonstration fairness.

       - Charlie P. - For being a resposible leader during bingoi.

2/3  -  Houston.P - Showing resposibility in the first week back.

           - Heath.R - For showing kindness

4/5/6 -  William.B - For joining in and adding valuable contributions to the class.

             - Jordin.B - For being a kind friend and showing care for all members of our school. 



Watjarang  481
  Yuliwil      467

  Bunjil       528

October Community Events

We have finished all 3 October Community events with a total of just over $2000 raised. This is an awesome result!



Thankyou to everyone who supplied cakes/2nd hand items and those that helped out on the stalls and a big thankyou to Alicia for organising these days.  A lot of work goes in to the organisation of these events and the all ran very smoothly on the days, Thanks again Alicia, Kel & Amy.

OSHC ADVENTURES - After School Care Provider

OSHC ADVENTURES is now at Eppalock PS 

O410 734 733 - Kerrie

At OSHC Adventures we pride ourselves on

providing children with fun, play-based learning
experiences that meet all your child's
interests and needs.

You can be confident that your child is in
safe hands with our experienced and
passionate educators.

Our operating hours
After School Care- 3:15 - 6:00

Monthly Newsletter

Parent Information book

How to enrol your child into after school care 


Family Handbook

Eppalock Brochure

Scholastic BOOK CLUB