Eppalock Primary is set in attractive, well-maintained, spacious grounds in the rural community of Axe Creek, just 7 kms east of Strathfieldsaye. The area caters to families who look upon the unique features of a rural school as part of their life style choice. In the past 3 years the school has added a new basketball court covered area, sandpit and outdoor decked stage playspace, a parent constructed garden area and outdoor cooking/firepit space. A newly created irrigation system on our school oval will also allow for an all year round grass area for sporting activities. These new spaces support our exisiting serenity and sensory areas which are always popular when the hammocks come out.
As of October 2023 the school has 3 multi-age classrooms with an enrolment of 63 students.
3 Full time classroom teachers enable the classroom student sizes to be kept small, emabling more focused and individual instruction at point of need. We currently have 18 students in our P/1/2 class, 21 in our 2/3/4 class and 24 in our 4/5/6 class.
The school offers a comprehensive curriculum with Literacy and Numeracy being priority areas. Science, Technology, the Environment and the Arts have a strong focus in our school with many different activities planned around these areas each term. STEM, Living Green, Art and Music have a specialist teacher with Instrumental music also being offered under a user pays system through Drew Thorpe's music.The school has an active parents club who organise community events each term. Local community members and past school families are welcome to attend. Social Calendar highlights include:
We encourage families who may be considering sending children to Eppalock to visit the school and take advantage of a tour of our facilities and discuss our educational programs and our rural unique community approach to education. Our school Facebook page also gives a comprehensive snapshot of our school.
The Axe Creek playgroup utilises our school facilities on a Friday morning. New families to the Axe Creek area are welcome to be part of this group to meet some friendly faces.
Address - 149 Patons Road
Axe Creek
Vic 3551
(Only 6km from the centre of Strathfieldsaye)
Ph- (03) 5439 6366
Email - eppalock.ps@education.vic.gov.au