Eppalock Primary School has a strong program in place to support the individualised transition programs for students entering and leaving the school as well as those transitioning from one class to another.KINDER TO PREP TRANSITIONAt Eppalock Primary School we understand that a child's first year at school is an important one and the school works closely with local kindergartens and child care centres. It is a year when children are seen moving towards independence, developing self-esteem, making connections and building positive attitudes toward their schooling. The school provides a Transition Program that meets the needs of all children starting school for the first time. The Transition activities at Eppalock Primary School provide an opportunity for children about to start school to become familiar with their new school and school staff. Our Parent Information Evening provides parents with valuable information about the school and how to help your child be ready for starting school. If you intend enrolling your Prep child at Eppalock Primary School we strongly encourage you to take advantage of our Transition Program for new Preps. Our main information evening for prospective families takes place in May each May. Please call the school on 03 5439 6366 to register your interest, or check out our Eppalock PS Facebook page for details about the event and let us know you are coming.
The Transition Program:
For an individual tour of the school & appointment, please contact the school at any time on 03 5439 6366.
Eppalock PS is more than happy to organise individual transition sessions to suit the needs of your child.
Individual school tours can be arranged by calling the school and arranging a time with Mr Andrew King.
Moving from primary to secondary school can be an exciting and challenging time for young people and their parents. Eppalock Primary School works closely with all neighbouring Secondary Colleges (both state and independent) to ensure all students have a smooth transition into secondary school. Year 6 students are provided with a large range of experiences that support them in the transition to secondary college and a comprehensive transition program is provided on an individual basis to students.
It is important to explore a variety of Secondary Colleges and make the best decision for your child. Secondary Colleges in the Bendigo Area are zoned and families are always encouraged to go to their neighbourood school. You can use the link below to find your local neighbourhood Secondary College that you may be zoned to.