EPS Newsletter

Term 4 Week 10 2023

FROM THE PRINCIPAL - Term 4, Week 10 2023

2024 Booklists- December 8th

Booklists for next year went home a few weeks ago in a paper format as well as a post in uEducateUs. Please ensure that this is completed as soon as possible. These are due by Dec 8th.


Brennan Park Pool- End of Year Celebration

On Friday the 15th of December, we are heading to Brennan Park Pool for an end of year celebration. We will leave here around 9:30 and return around 3PM. On the day, students will need proper swimwear, a towel, sunscreen, a broad brimmed hat, a labelled drink bottle and plenty of food. There is no cost for the day as the cost of this will be covered by the Parents Club fundraising efforts. A uEducateUs permission note will be available over the next two days.


2024 Prep Orientation

Our Prep orientation program started last Wednesday from 10-11. Our 2024 Prep-Two teacher, Shaylee Wilton, was here for the morning. Below is a brief write up from Shaylee about the morning.


We read 'Can You Teach a Fish to Climb a Tree?' by Jane Goodwin and Terry Denton. Students then used playdough to make something they are good at doing or something they are passionate about and shared with their peers. This week we will read 'The Twelve Dogs of Christmas' by Alison Ritchie and Marisa Morea. Afterwards, students will then decorate a pet Christmas ornament. 


Statewide Orientation- Tuesday December 12th

On Tuesday the 12th from 9-11:30, students will be taking part in the Statewide Orientation Program. All students will be in their 2024 classrooms with their 2024 teachers.


2024 3-6 Urban Camp

Our Grades Three to Six will head to Melbourne next year for an Urban Camp. The camp will be from Wednesday, June 5th to Friday, June 7th. A uEducateUs permission note will be created today, if your child is intending on going, please give permission as soon as possible. We are requesting $100 first payment be made between today and Friday the 16th of February 2024 via the MySchoolConnect app.


Student Reports

All teachers spent last Friday working on student reports. Student reports will be sent home on Wednesday the 13th.


Community Night

Our Community Night is happening here at EPS on Friday, December 8th from 6PM.

A BBQ (Sausages) will be provided by the school on the night. Could families please supply a salad or sweets to share?

A-M - Salad

N-Z – Sweets

Please bring your own plates/cutlery and drinks.


Year 6 Graduation

Our Year 6 Graduation is taking place at the Foundry on Wednesday, December 13th. We look forward to celebrating our Year 6s achievement on the night.


Term One, 2024- Start Date

Next year, we have a Curriculum Day booked in for the Tuesday the 30th of January. This means that students are not in on that day and their first day back will be on Wednesday the 31st. The 2024 Preps first day will be on Thursday, February 1st.


Bus Role

Please contact the school if you need to update the method in which your child/ren travel home from school. If there are changes on the day, please make sure that you call the school to ensure that we have received the message.


The bus management system has also sent out emails for 2024 bus travel. Please follow the instructions given in these emails to approve your child’s travel for 2024.


2024 Enrolment Changes

2024 is just around the corner and we are asking families to provide any changes in student enrolment information to the school as soon as possible.


Covid Update

We have had a few school members test positive to Covid recently. We would like to remind families to please keep children home if they are presenting with cold and flu-like symptoms. If students test positive, it is recommended that they stay home for 5 days.


2024 Curriculum Contributions

While the curriculum contributions are voluntary, they play a vital role in our schools’ ability to resource all aspects of our curriculum. Without this funding, we would not be able to source computers, library books, online learning platforms and STEM equipment for our students so a big thank you to all families who have already paid this for 2024.



A reminder to please use appropriate communication channels through uEducateUs and email when queries arise about school events. While there are staff on the parents Facebook page, please contact the school via suitable channels.




Monday 4th - 7th - Gym program 

Wednesday 6th - Foundation Orientation Day 10-11.30am

Friday 8th - Community Night

Tuesday 12th - Statewide Transition Day

Wednesday 13th - Grade 6 Graduation night 
                             - MARC Van 

Friday 15th - EOY Fun day Brennan Park Pool 

Monday 18th - Disco Day 

Wednesday 20th - Last Day Term 4 - 1.30pm finish & casual clothes day


Tuesday 30th - Curriculum Day (Student free day) 

Wednesday 31st - Students First day Term 1(Grades 1-6)


Thursday 1st - Preps first day Term 1

Friday 9th - Community Night - Crazy Bingo 

MARC Van - End of year borrowing

The last MARC VAN for the year will be on Wednesday 13th December.  Please make sure to bring your books back on or before this date as Sue will be handing out a little gift for anyone that has no outstanding books.  




OSHC ADVENTURES - After School Care Provider

OSHC ADVENTURES is now at Eppalock PS 

O410 734 733 - Kerrie

At OSHC Adventures we pride ourselves on

providing children with fun, play-based learning
experiences that meet all your child's
interests and needs.

You can be confident that your child is in
safe hands with our experienced and
passionate educators.

Our operating hours
After School Care- 3:15 - 6:00

Monthly Newsletter

Parent Information book

How to enrol your child into after school care 


Family Handbook

Eppalock Brochure

Christmas Giving @ Eppalock Primary

Christmas Giving at Eppalock Primary

Three students are coordinating a Christmas Giving project at Eppalock Primary. Ned Symes, Will Smith and Brax McLeod.

The ‘Christmas Giving Initiative’ involves collecting donations at school for two charities over a 3-week period, in two large cardboard boxes.  The three students will oversee the process, promote it and then deliver the donated items to the organisations in early December, in time for these Organisations to use the donations for Christmas.

The two Charities and the items that they are seeking are described below. If you can help, it would be much appreciated.

Giving / Donating however is NOT essential/required. It’s optional!  If you are not able to give, please do not feel obliged. We recognise that this time of year, especially in the current financial climate, is tough for many families and sometimes it’s not always possible for us to do everything 😊

The Student ‘Giving Project’;

Christmas time and the weeks leading up to it, is often a very tough time for many families. Bendigo is no different and there are many great organisations that work tirelessly to support families, children and schools.   Two organisations have been chosen, both for the terrific support-work that they do AND because there are so many low-cost, basic items that we could potentially source to help them that our school families can contribute to. It’s achievable for us to ‘help’…

TWO big, labelled, donation boxes will be placed along the benches at the front of the school (near the front reception desk) for people to drop things off.  If you are able to donate, it would be gratefully appreciated! We will be collecting items from Monday 20 November through to Friday 8th December. The students felt that by keeping the donating period ‘earlier’ and away from the Christmas rush, there would hopefully be less burden on school families.  The Student Project team  will then deliver the donated items to the two organisations.

We will advertise the Christmas Giving Project in the school newsletter and on social media to the broader school community. If you are able to share the project as well, donations from the broader community are very welcome!  Thank you families.

Who are the two organisations?  And what can we donate?

Giving opportunity #1    Foodshare

Did you know that around 25,000 people in central Victoria were living below the poverty line based on 2016 census data?  This number has continued to increase every year since as we experienced the pandemic, floods and more recently financial stresses with interest rate rises on the back of everything else.


In the last two and a half years alone, since COVID started, Bendigo Foodshare has had a 40-60% percent increase in demand for food relief each year. That’s almost an extra 5,000 people being fed by Foodshare each year!


Foodshare has also increased food rescue from supermarkets to 7 days a week;  Increased local food supply/donations to 72% of our total food collection; Ran out of warehouse space – using 3 backup short term donated warehouse spaces for food storage and a carpark for food sorting; and more than doubled our workforce. Now around 257 volunteers help to get around 750tonnes of food moved through their warehouse each year – this volume of food is worth ~$5.6million dollars. Literally incredible amounts of food and support.


They support nearly 13,000 vulnerable people each week across Central Victoria through food relief programs in schools, kindergartens and childcare centres, large charities like the Salvation Army and St Vincent DePaul, and small community and church groups.


Foodshare Bendigo is an AMAZING organisation – This year, they’ve been going for 10 years.

In the Bendigo region, they distribute this food FREE through 22 Emergency relief organisations such as Salvation Army.  They work with 34 community organisations that cook and serve meals at no cost to those who are unable to cook for themselves or don't have enough food.  And they work with 58 Schools that each provide breakfasts to up to 40 students (some of these schools also provide cooked lunches or cooking classes).  WOW!

Most often the surplus food that is rescued from supermarkets and shops tends to be perishable food rather than the longer lasting “staple items’ needed for families.  So Foodshare can get fruit/vegetables and other perishables from supermarkets and restaurants/cafes. BUT – what they need from us are the things that they don’t get from supermarkets: more long-life foods:  Pasta, rice, grains, oats & porridge, canned foods ie tomatoes, beans & vegetables, jars of meal bases, boxes of cereals, jams and spreads, flour and sugar, oils, sauces & seasonings and tinned meats. This is what we would be looking for in Box #1 for FoodSHARE. A can from your cupboard. A few cans? A packet of rice? A few packets? Or you can donate a few items, thank you!  And ALSO – Foodshare ‘package’ up boxes of food for families, so they ALSO gratefully accept Christmas food items/treats as well to include in these boxes! Eg. Christmas biscuits/chocolates/Christmas puddings/Christmas Crackers.

The number of people seeking food support rises over the Christmas period, so if families can help out by donating food for those who will need it this Christmas, Foodshare would really appreciate it.

Opportunity #2    Annie North Inc

Annie North Women’s Refuge is a local Bendigo refuge for women and children fleeing domestic violence and horrible home situations where they can no longer stay.  Often these women and children have to flee their own homes in the dead of night with nothing but the clothes that they are wearing – a frightening and very sad time for them.  Christmas time is a tough time of year when you don’t have much, you’re frightened, you’ve left your home and you’re trying to rebuild your life.

This year Annie North is in need of;

  • (New) Underwear and (new) socks for children
    • Sizes young children 4-5yrs
    • Sizes children 5-12yrs;
    • Sizes young teens 13-15yrs
  • Baby wipes for mums with babies/toddlers
  • Also, Christmas food items like Christmas puddings, Christmas biscuits and chocolates; and items for their Christmas table eg. Christmas bon bons and Christmas wrapping paper.